Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Merry SITSmas card

Merry SITSmas to all the amazing wonderful blogging gals!!!

the beast wishes you happy holidays!
(he really loves his holiday bow - he's still wearing it!)

for those who may not know SITS is a fantastic blog for women bloggers. i have found the most interesting people there and am so grateful (especially as a newbie blogger) to have found them and be a part of their fantastic community building. today is their holiday and members are encouraged to post a holiday card. check out the icon to the right and give them a visit to find more wonderful bloggers.

ta-da....here's my mini tree decorated up with beautiful glittery ornaments that my aunt has helped my collect over the years. they all have significant meaning and i love pulling them out of the box each year and reliving the moments when i received them!

my snowman sitting on the mantle....

yippee!!! newest ornaments from the wedding this summer! my aunt had a shower for me and had an table arrangement with them! so thoughtful!

my favorite ornament is a blue crab. i am from sc and spent so much time on the coast with my family growing up! every summer we visit edisto beach every summer with all the aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, and grandparents. we crab, fish, shrimp - you name it. plus, my father is an avid shrimper and fisherman year round and it makes me think of him!

here's a shout out to some of my favorite blogs found through SITS! happy holidays ladies - i know there are many more blogs to discover as we roll into 2010!!!

my hopes for the coming year include blogging more and discovering more amazing women bloggers!!! i hope to grow as a writer and explore new ways to share my passion of health and wellness with others. i wish you good tidings, fantastic joy and much mindfulness in the coming month and into the new year!!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shoutout!i just realized i haven't been roll calling on SITS for a while now. oops!
