Monday, December 21, 2009

more snow and some love talk

many many thanks to cristina @ when is there time to sleep? for my first ever blogger recognition/award. i heart it so and am excited that she loved my planner pad post on becoming the best scheduling goddess possible and all the pursuits accompanying living the mindful life (or at least giving it my best!!) cristina is a momma goddess doing at all and i so enjoy her blog! she always makes me laugh!

as a newbie in the world of all things blog - i am still working on meeting new and inspiring folks. i am supposed to give this award to five people and if in the future i find someone new, i may pass is along to them cause right now i've got 2 people i'd like to give this to:

emma @ the joy of yoga: this gal is great! i love her yoga sequencing posts and am so honored to be a guest blogger on her site. she has many a great post sharing the passion that is yoga and inspiring the practice itself!

shannon @ milk and cuddles: super cute name and super cute site with awesome musings on being a stay at home mom. i love getting the insight into that life!

with this award, i have to share 10 things that i LOVE.
well, here they are:
  1. coffee & blogs in the morning! don't always get to have mornings like that, but when i do i am always grateful.
  2. pilot colored pens. purple and pink being the favs.
  3. the planner pad. ok, i know i am a little over the top with getting organized, but it really helps my life stay mindful and my brain focused and ready for anything!
  4. YOGA. can't live without it. brings me peace and mindfulness and a stretchy good feeling body.
  5. quite moments with space and lots of deep breathes.
  6. on the flip side of that - i LOVE music. so grateful for all the music i love and the countless bands i've seen live. i love the soundtrack to my life.
  7. being my own boss. need i say more?!?!
  8. MODERN DANCE and the women i move with. check us out here. the process of choreography and creating and, of course, performing.
  9. my fabulous, snuggly, warm creature who i lovingly call in the blog world: the beast. see his love here.
  10. my hubby. he's the best. what can i say?
on to the SNOW.....we were out of power for about 36 hours. thank goodness for our gas stove. it kept our bellies full and thank goodness for the beast to curl around my feet in the night and keep them toasty. nc is just not uber prepared for this much of the white stuff!

my hubby and brother-in-law just a few minutes before frosty fell over.
that's a lot of snow for a southern gal.
the snow ball fight in action.

hope you are warm and toasty. cheers!


  1. Yay snow and yay award. Aren't these fun!

    Listen, need your input on something for a friend. I am trying to get her to quit smoking and wanted your take on how best to go about it. You're the closest I got to a zen goddess and I think she'll need a bit to succeed.

    email me at bella(dot)vela(at)live(dot)com



  2. aw, shucks. i just got this. you're the greatest :)


