Tuesday, December 1, 2009

feeling the crunch & becoming a scheduling goddess

i am so grateful to work for myself, but this week i am totally feeling the crunch of having way too many things happening! i used to feel like this all the time, so i am happy there is relief on the horizon (i.e. next week), but it still makes me mindful that maybe there is too much going on right now. i can't believe it, but i haven't posted since sunday - it's already wednesday!!! i've never let that much time slide! of course - i want to blog everyday and hopefully would like to get in the practice of making it happen more than once a day (we shall see!). i am going to take a good look at my schedule and see what i could possibly rearrange and/or change to make life a little smoother.

don't get me wrong - i love all the hats that i wear: wife, dog "mommy" to a very demandingpup, pilates & yoga teacher, exercise junkie, personal assistant (work from home, but still another responsibility), modern dancer with a company (who has a show creeping up in march), choreographer is said company, blogger and the list goes on and on. i also constantly feel pulled in two directions (1) is to be an uber successful business woman and continue to grow not only the business, but the mind/body services i provide and (2) to be in the creative world of dance and be the homemaker i so desire to be (home cooking, an organized home, travel with the hubby etc.) i know i can do it all! it's just hard to maintain perspective and not over book myself.

i think it is so important to take a step back - at least once a month and evaluate how things are going. i love doing it at the beginning of each month. once i get all the beginning of the month stuff checked of the to-do list (invoice clients, pay rent for office, mortgage, etc.) i love to look at the coming month and prepare - and be open to changing things around to make my life as smooth and manageable as possible!

i am so excited about this plan for 2010. i got a planner pad for my birthday and am already jazzed to get it going! i am in no way have been compensated for writing about this product - i just love it and know that it will help me gain better perspective on balancing and my scheduling life! (why, yes...i am a little calendar obsessed....)

here's the inside - love it! there are 3 different "levels" and then two side bars.

in between each month there is a monthly calendar and a whole page for notes for the month. so many weekly calendars don't have the "look at the whole month" page, so i am totally into this feature.
the weekly view has three levels. the first has seven categories (that you pick and name) that can focus you during the week. i think mine are going to be: blissful body (business), blog, personal assistant job, exercise, home, book thoughts/ideas, and one that will rotate week to week depending on what is happening.
then comes with things to do by the day - based on the categories list. i love to check things off my list! (i'm actually a crosser - i love seeing that big line through what i have accomplished!)
then comes the specific layout of the week and time management. appointments, etc.
on the side there is a list of phone calls and expenses. yeah for keeping up with the business.
i am super (maybe a little overly excited) about this calendar. cheers to celebrating an organized, mindful life.

what do you juggle? and how do you keep your life managed, mindful, calm, and organized?


  1. I am note entirely sure if my last post made it....bummer. I was so excited. Well, here it is again, sort of. If it's a dup - delete delete delete!

    I was just thinking about how I could balance better. I took out my spiral and started jotting ideas...I also just bought a planner but NOTHING as awesome as this. Must have. I juggle 5 kids, a husband, a full time day job, a side business - that I work full time, school full time, blogging - trying for twice a week...wow. lots.

    I am following you because I have to know how this story goes!!

    Popped in from SITS.


  2. Wow, What a calendar! That is super cool. I can see how it will help you a lot with your schedule, and peace of mind.

    I don't have too much going on, so I just wing it. I write a few things down at work. I really need to get better organized though. You inspire me to do that!

  3. Hi Katherine!

    Which do you prefer the personal size or executive? I have a binder already for the loose leaf but I love that mint green - so many choices. Just want to be sure it has all the cool features you mention!


  4. i have the executive size - the personal just seemed too small for my big handwriting! especially for the bottom scheduling part! i am stoked you are thinking about getting one as we will be on this journey together!

  5. Hi! Stopping by from SITS. Reading your 1st paragraph, I thought - hey, I have a lot in common w/this gal.
    I am a retired jazz dancer/choreographer, do Pilates, (trying to get back into dance @ age 52!), am a doggy-Mommy.
    Just enjoying the quiet this a.m. and thought I'd say hi.

  6. I love you planner. I give myself a report card at the begining of each month and set up goals for the next month. THANKS FOR SHARING AND HAPPY NEW YEAR
