Friday, November 13, 2009

sisterly love

just wanted to take to the blog today and have some gratitude for siblings. i know that not all siblings get along or have the greatest relationship, but those of us that have them should take a moment and set all that aside just to be glad they bring what they bring (good and not so good) into our lives.
i must say i am one of the few weirdos in the world who has actually never argued with her brother (my one and only sibling - except for my non-blood related "sister" erin). honestly, i have absolutely zero recollection of us doing anything other than getting along.
i don't really have any memory of life without him. i was eighteen months old when he was born and according to my mom, did everything i could to help take care of him. we used to drive our family crazy by referring to each other as "my brother" and "my sister" as if they would not know who we were talking about if we mentioned the name (i still catch myself doing it all the time - sorry to anyone who has to bear that!)
the above pic was from this summer at my "bachelorette" weekend - which was really just the weekend the hubby was in vegas (getting into who knows what) and i went to the beach with my bro. i get to see him this coming weekend and thanksgiving. this has been the longest we've gone (except for the college years) without seeing each other. just have him on my mind and wanted to share a piece of our story. cheers to my best friend, my brother.


  1. What a wonderful post! When we get older it's easy to get so caught up in our "adult" lives and loose touch with our family. It's wonderful the way you honored your relationship with your brother by writing this post. Hopefully it inspires others to pick up the phone and call their siblings "just because". Thanks for stopping by Rook No. 17 and for your wonderful comments!

  2. Awww! I heart my brother too. Sure he occasionally gives me a beat down but just as often he gives me kisses and hugs, shares his treats with me, puts my shoes on for me and holds my hand. No relationship is perfect, but a sibling who loves you is a precious gift.


    P.S. Thanks for stopping by for my SITS day I truly appreciate it!

  3. how sweet - i have a brother too but we're not that close. my husband and his sister are best buds and it's nice to see.
